

A little celebration.:) – The Bloggess

This isn’t a real post…it’s just a little celebration because I haven’t had enough of those lately. Yesterday I got a copy of...

The Glam Gals

“My mom and I did “mother/daughter” glamour shots at a local motel in a janky hotel room in the late 90s. The photographer thought it...

Error'd: Well Done

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Cute kitten sparks heated argument between overreacting roommate, demanding the cat pawrent keep their fur baby locked in their room like a purrincess in...

Well now, this is a tough one to judge. On the one hand we must remember that we are talking about a cute kitten,...

Choosing beggar puts in $250 same-day pickup order, then demands to have it all for free: ‘She never planned to pay me’ – FAIL...

Desperate times call for desperate measures, but desperate measures do not always pan out. In this day and age, who among us has not come...

‘Futurama’s Killer Santa Claus Is One Step Closer to Reality

Historically, animated TV shows have depicted Santa Claus in a flattering light and not, say, as an unstoppable killing machine. But Futurama’s first Christmas episode...

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‘As long as he lives, he’s my best friend’: 8-Year-Old Boy Saves Kitten by Trading His Skateboard to Kids Who Were Harming the Cat,...

This story, we think, is a real Christmas miracle. A boy saved a kitten that was being harmed by a bunch of other kids...

'We ended up costing the HOA over $4,000': Neighborhood Karen tells residents to remove cameras, starting HOA legal feud, resulting half the board resigning

Leave it up to the Karens of the world to stir up a fuss over the holidays. Here, we have the new residents of...

5 Real-Life Spies and How They Blew It

Being a spy is a unique job in that half the people you work with are going to be really, really upset if they...

Timeline Of Trendy Christmas Toys

Millions of parents across the U.S. are scrambling to complete their holiday shopping. In honor of the season, The Onion looks at the history...

Error'd: Hypersensitive

Rational Tim R. observed "When setting up my security camera using the ieGeek app there seem to be two conflicting definitions of sensitivity. I hope the...

15 years is giant metal chickens. Or sweet stuffed animals. Welcome to the 15th James Garfield Miracle. – The Bloggess

Hello and welcome to the FIFTEENTH ANNUAL James Garfield Miracle! (HOW??) “What is the James Garfield Miracle?” you may be asking. You must be new here. HELLO AND WELCOME. 15...

A Lifetime of Secrets – PostSecret

To: “frank” —-Email Message—–Dear Frank-I was at your book reading at Booksmith on Haight street for ‘A...

Paul Bearer – Penny Arcade

Petty apartment tenant gets back at landlady who keeps surprising them with visits: ‘I’m making my landlady wait 29 minutes’ – FAIL Blog

Ugh, landlords… They often uphold a maddening double standard with their tenants. If you, the tenant, have a leaking roof or a broken heater,...

Queer Joy Crushes in Fortune Feimster’s ‘Crushing It’

Sometimes, a comic will cultivate a stage persona that’s angry and dark (Marc Maron) so you’ll be impressed by their depth. Others are so...

A Message Of Hope From Global Tetrahedron

We have taken another proud, collective stride toward dystopia. A bankruptcy court has denied the sale of InfoWars following a month of drawn-out legal proceedings....