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Album Analysis: Why Lady Gaga’s ‘Mayhem’ Sounds Both Old and New – FAIL Blog

via @shookavenueThe Sounds of MayhemSonically, Mayhem primarily explores industrial music and electropop. On the surface, this seems like territory the Grammy-winning superstar has walked...
HomeFunnyPut your towels on. It’s Christmas Eve. – The Bloggess

Put your towels on. It’s Christmas Eve. – The Bloggess

First off, I just went through and counted and it looks like 432 kids were gifted with new stuffed animals this week during the 15th Annual James Garfield Miracle. Holy crap. I love you guys.

Secondly, I wrote this for my substack today but I’m sharing it here too in case you don’t substack but need to read it:

I was supposed to write this yesterday but I couldn’t because I’ve been fighting a massive depression and so yesterday I had an emergency ketamine treatment to try to pull me out of it. And today I woke up with less of a gravity-has-tripled-but-only-for-me-apparently depression and more of a day-2-of-the-flu-and-I-think-I’m-getting-better-but-not-entirely-human depression. Yay! 

Today’s doodle is all about Iceland because did you know that in Iceland they have a tradition called Jólabókaflóðið, which means “Christmas Book Flood”? Basically on Christmas Eve it’s tradition to exchange books and spend Christmas Eve reading. YES, PLEASE, NOW. Another Icelandic tradition you need to know about? The Yule Cat, a huge, grumpy cat who lurks in the snowy countryside and eats people who don’t wear new clothes on Xmas Eve.

This seems ridiculous because why would cats care about clothes, but then I remembered that there is nothing my cats love more than laying across me when I’m wearing something that doesn’t already have cat fur and claw snags so maybe there’s some truth to that. Regardless, I don’t have any new clothes, nor did I buy any for Hailey and Victor, so tonight I will make us all wear towels as Christmas capes to keep us safe:

I didn’t have the energy to put up a tree or wrap presents or make food, but tonight we’ll be together, in Christmas capes, as I read on the couch and it might not look like Christmas to anyone else but that doesn’t make it any less special.

So here’s to you, no matter what your holiday looks like. The world is better with you in it.

I super crazy love you,


PS. Yesterday on threads I asked for pet pictures and literally thousands of people obliged and so if you’re feeling low I highly suggest going through this thread and sending psychic scritches to all these lovely faces because it will make you smile in spite of yourself.

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